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Product Details

Fanny Pack First Aid Kit
Fanny Pack
Soft Case & Trauma Bag Contents
Item # Description Quantity
1000S: Plastic Strips: 25
1002: Clear Strips: 3
1305S: Fingertip: 1
1405S: Knuckle: 1
1767S: Patch: 2
2100: 5x9: 1
2149: Sanitizer : 1
2210: Gauze Pads 2x2: 2
2221: Non-Adherent Pads: 6
2310: Gauze Pads 3x3: 10
2701-3: Gauze Roll 3": 1
4410B: Antibiotic Ointment: 4
4420: First aid & Burn cream: 2
4523: Antiseptic Spray: 1
4650S: Insect Sting Wipes: 3
4710S: Antiseptic Towels: 2
4801E: Ice Packs: 1
4915: Adhesive Tape: 1
5123: Aspirfree: 1
5200B: Aspirin: 2
5704: Mediprofen: 1
7102: Fanny Pack: 1
8065: Medical Grade Gloves 4/pack: 4
8205: Bandage Scissors: 1
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